2013 UAHuntsville Space Weather Summer School
Welcome to the home page for the 2013 Space Weather Summer School.
The school will take place from May 29 to June 7.
Friday, June 7th
Thank you all for attending this summer school.
Please send me your evaluation by email (in linear scale, 1-5, 5 being "really like it" and 1 being "good time for a nap", for the lecturers), as well as any comments/suggestions for this summer school.
Enjoy your summer!
5 4 3 2 1
Yihua Zheng
Vardim Rotershteyn
Alex Dosch
Cora Randall
Jacobs le Roux
Amy Winebarger
Michael Briggs
Qiang Hu
Haimin Wang
Thursday, June 6th,
We will have a student presentations session today, 4:10pm to 5:xx.
The order will be
On Friday, we will have one more student presentation session, 11:10 - 12:00pm, I have,
If you have sent your presentation to me and did not see your name, let me know.
Monday, June 3rd.
Today we have two lecturers in Cora Randall (1, 2, 5, 6) and Kobus le Roux (3, 4).
Professor Randall will speak about ionosphere and upper atmosphere aspect of space weather.
Professor le Roux will speak about focused particle transport equation.
Lecture notes will be uploaded as I receive them.
Lecture notes can be found Here.
Interested parties can download the application form here.

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Please check back often.
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